Meet the team behind NutriAdmin

Current team

Diego Oliveira Sanchez

Diego Oliveira Sanchez

Co-founder. Strategy, Marketing & Product Development
London, United Kingdom

Diego has a background in Physics and holds a masters in Scientific Computing from Cambridge University. His professional experience ranges from academic research on neural networks at Cambridge, to data science and process optimization working at Citigroup in London.

Diego is passionate about nutrition and reads voraciously about the topic. Some of his favorite authors include Anita Bean, Jonny Bowden, and Robert Lustig. NutriAdmin fits perfectly at the intersection of Diego's interests and skill set. He loves the idea of helping nutritional therapists thrive with their businesses.

At NutriAdmin, Diego is responsible for front-end software development, writing the code that powers the interface users see. He also decides on strategy along with Magda, works on marketing, handles partnerships, finance, and other operations related to the successful running of a business.

Magda Sternik

Magda Sternik

Co-founder. Product Development & System Admin
Warsaw, Poland

Magda has completed a BSc Hons in Computer Science at Edinburgh University. She is an experienced and talented full-stack developer, having worked in multiple software projects from an early age. After building software for the banking industry in London for a few years, Magda decided to embark on the NutriAdmin project bringing her expertise to give life to the application.

Magda has always been fascinated by nutrition and how the body adapts to different kinds of diets. It's no surprise that she is constantly testing different kinds of eating plans on herself, tracking fitness and health metrics, and experimenting to find optimum nutrition. Magda is really happy to collaborate with nutritionists promoting healthy lifestyles and making an impact on people's lives.

At NutriAdmin, Magda focuses on backend software development, infrastructure maintenance, analytics, and discussing strategy with Diego. Magda is responsible for the architecture of the application, as well as cyber-security and other software engineering work.

Lucy Domingo

Lucy Domingo

Nutritionist, Customer support & Assistant
Davao, Philippines

Lucy is a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian from the Philippines, holding a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of the Immaculate Conception. She has experience in research, wellness, and public health. She also collaborated with a tech startup to provide nutrition insights through informative articles.

Raised in a family passionate about cooking, her profound interest in food science and health naturally led her to pursue a career in nutrition. Now, she's excited about creating nutritious recipes that cater to client's unique needs and restrictions, ultimately aiding fellow nutritionists and dietitians by simplifying their work through NutriAdmin. In addition, she will also be handling customer support, ensuring all questions and concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

Previous team members

Dr Testimony Olajire

Dr Testimony Olajire

Medical Doctor, Health & Nutrition Copywriter
Lagos, Nigeria

Testimony Olajire graduated from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria, as a Medical Doctor. He is also a Medical Writer with 7 years of experience beginning from his medical school days. As a freelancer, he has written articles, papers, and even books for clients all over the world. Testimony is passionate about using his medical knowledge to guide individuals on the best path to healthy living. He also has a strong interest in health tech and innovations in the healthcare space.

His firsthand experience with managing medical conditions as a Medical Doctor places him in a unique position to write content based on research and practical experience. He also has top-notch SEO skills with a focus on Link-Building strategies that help his articles rank well on Google.

Bringing his skills and expertise to NutriAdmin, Testimony is excited at the opportunity to create in-depth and quality articles to help nutrition experts make the right choices for their clients and the public make the right choices on what to eat and how to eat it! Testimony enjoys writing songs, and spending time with family when he is not working.

Ayla Mantua

Ayla Mantua

Nutritionist, Customer support & Assistant
Davao, Philippines

Ayla is a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian from the Philippines, possessing a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of the Immaculate Conception. She has professional work experience in public health, food service, and hospital nutrition settings. Additionally, she has collaborated with a technology startup to provide nutritional insights through informative articles.

From a small family of four, growing up where her father is a bodybuilder and gym coach, greatly influenced her interest in pursuing a career related to nutrition, health, and wellness. Presently, Ayla finds fulfillment in delivering informative information through NutriAdmin articles, where she provides valuable assistance to her peers in the nutrition and dietetics community.

Sergio Iglesias Picallo

Sergio Iglesias Picallo

Front-End Software Developer Intern
London, United Kingdom

Sergio is studying Audiovisual communication at the University of Seville in Spain, having transferred there after two years at the University of Vigo. His personal passion for computing has led him to explore software development on the side. Sergio has completed a full-stack web-development bootcamp and worked on several side-projects prior to joining NutriAdmin. He also holds a drone pilot license, and is open to learn more about technology and to explore his interests further.

At NutriAdmin, Sergio is helping improve the meal planning functionality of the software. This is our most complex and user-demanded feature, and Sergio is implementing multiple user suggestions to make it even better.

Ismail Zoutat

Ismail Zoutat

Nutrition and Customer Success Specialist, Podcast Host
London, United Kingdom

Ismail completed a BSc Hons in Nutrition from the University of Leeds in 2020. He subsequently graduated with an MSc in Nutrition for Global Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in September of 2021. In December of 2021, Ismail was contracted for the World Food Programme where he was deployed to deliver a comprehensive nutrition survey of the refugee population of southwest Algeria. Ismail has also worked in multiple capacities throughout the years, including, but not limited to, personal training, health and nutritional consulting, and public health nutrition research.

Ismail has always been attuned to nutrition as both an industry and science. His expertise extends beyond the scope of what is to be expected of a traditional nutritionist. With his strong technical capacity, Ismail works to connect nutritionists from across the industry to find common threads and promote good science. With this in mind, he is particularly excited about the potential of NutriAdmin and its bottom-up approach that calibrates its services to the specific needs of nutritionists within the industry.

Grzegorz Sternik

Grzegorz Sternik

Full-stack software developer

Grzegorz finished his mechatronics studies at the Technical University in Kielce/Poland. Since graduation, he has worked in a variety of different engineering roles, gaining considerable experience in the field of sales of technical products. In recent years, Grzegorz became fascinated with the possibilities of new technologies. This led him to partake in different software development projects, including a web portal specializing in space jobs recruitment called Space Individuals.

Currently, Grzegorz helps to develop software for NutriAdmin. His role mainly involves adding new functionality to NutriAdmin's web interface. Grzegorz's philosophy is to always put software users first when it comes to creating new features - relying on user feedback to guide product decisions. Outside of work, Grzegorz is passionate about biking, fitness and healthy nutrition.

Marina Rodriguez Fernandez

Marina Rodriguez Fernandez

Marketing & Copy-writing

Marina graduated in Journalism at Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain. After her masters in Applied Research to Mass Media -where she specialized in Data Journalism- she established herself as a freelancer. She has been featured in traditional newspapers and magazines as well as different national and international online media outlets, especially for her cultural work as a music critic, interviewer and photographer.

Nowadays Marina combines her more traditional work as a cultural journalist with her interest in social media, online marketing and corporate communication by also teaming up with companies, organizations and professionals that look for an internet presence, taking care of their online communication and social media.