NutriAdmin Affiliates

Do you have an audience of nutritionists, coaches, or personal trainers? Do you run a blog or service for nutrition professionals? Join the NutriAdmin affiliate program to earn a 30% commission on all payments made within 12 months by new users you refer to us.

NutriAdmin provides software for nutritionists, coaches, and personal trainers. Users can create meal plans, manage client records, and do their admin work online. NutriAdmin is a top-rated app in Capterra.

For example, a typical customer joining NutriAdmin for our popular plan (US$49.99/month) will spend US$599.88 in NutriAdmin if they subscribe for a year. For every customer like this that you bring to us, you will be entitled to a 30% commission, which works out at 0.30 x US$599.88 = US$179.96.

Every customer is different, but essentially, for every long-term customer you help us acquire for NutriAdmin you could be earning around US$150 as per the example below. Commissions are calculated as 30% of payments made by a customer within 12 months of joining with your referral link, so each individual case will be calculated separately and amounts earned may vary.

Benefits of joining the NutriAdmin affiliate program

nutriadmin affiliates program

Our target customers are nutritionists, personal trainers, coaches, and wellness professionals. If you are someone that has access to such an audience (e.g. via your business, blog, website, professional group, publication, etc) you can benefit from a passive income opportunity.

Essentially, we are trying to partner up with other businesses/entities that have a similar target audience to us in NutriAdmin but sell a different (non-competing) product. If you fit this description, then you could recommend NutriAdmin to your audience and make extra money with little to no effort.

NutriAdmin is a highly-rated software for nutrition professionals. The software allows creating meal plans, managing clients, and handling the admin work of a nutrition practice or coaching business. If you think your audience could benefit from such a product, why not recommend it to them and earn commissions?

Once you refer customers to us, we will provide the software and customer support as part of our service. You don't have to do any work other than sending customers our way. So, with little effort, you could synergize with your existing audience and both recommend to them a useful product as well as supplement your income with affiliate commissions. Just 10 customers you help us acquire that subscribe long-term for the popular plan would earn you around US$1500!

Simple ideas for you to recommend NutriAdmin

Here are some suggestions on how you could present NutriAdmin to your audience with little effort to start earning affiliate commissions. The content you create could be a blog post, article, podcast episode, YouTube video, webinar, social media post, or any other form of content that works for you and resonates with your audience.

  • You could create a piece of content reviewing NutriAdmin, with pros/cons
  • You could create a piece of content comparing software apps, including NutriAdmin as one of the options
  • You could arrange to interview the NutriAdmin team about nutrition/tech and create a piece of content for your website
  • You could add a link to NutriAdmin in your resources or similar page in your site
  • You could periodically mention NutriAdmin to your audience via newsletters, social media posts, etc
  • Any other way in which you can mention NutriAdmin that is relevant to your audience is an opportunity!

How does the affiliate program work

It's simple. You just have to sign up to be an affiliate for free using the form below (takes a minute). Once you register as an affiliate, you will obtain a unique link to the site. This is your affiliate link. Anyone signing up for NutriAdmin using that link will count as a customer referred by you and qualify for earning you commissions.

You can share your affiliate link in your social media channels, website, blog, newsletters, etc. Please note using your affiliate link in paid advertisement is not allowed. Whenever a new user signs up with the link, our affiliate software ( Rewardful) will keep track of sales, upgrades/downgrades, refunds, cancellations, etc. You will earn 30% of all payments made by any referred customer within the first 12 months since joining with your link.

Specifics of commission payments

  • The minimum amount we will pay in commissions is US$50. You have to earn at least up to that amount to receive a payout
  • You will be paid via Paypal when you earn at least the minimum amount in commissions
  • Commissions become payable to you 30 days after customer purchase. This is to allow time for recalculating any refunds if requested by the customer
  • You are entitled to 30% of all payments made by customers you refer to us during the first 12 months of their subscription
  • For more details, please check our terms and conditions below

Terms and conditions

When you join our affiliates program, you agree to abide by our affiliates terms and conditions linked below. Some key conditions outlined in the terms that you must abide by include (but are not limited to):

  • You cannot use the affiliate program to earn commissions on your own use of the NutriAdmin software
  • You cannot use affiliate links in advertising or paid media, e.g. like social media/google ads
  • Discount and coupon sites are not allowed as affiliate partners
  • Any suspected fraud or breach of the terms may result in immediate termination of the agreement and in you forfeiting earnings - or having to pay reparation monies
  • Terms may change at any time without notice

Please review the full terms below for full details:

Any questions?

Feel free to reach out at with any questions you have if not covered here.