NutriAdmin Partnerships

In this page we list partnerships we have with other organizations and companies that can be of interest to nutritionists, dietitians and wellness professionals.

Networking Nutritionists

Connect with an exclusive, global community of nutrition professionals.

Networking Nutritionists is a professional community created by nutritionists, for nutritionists. This is a paid membership group that will enable you to elevate your work and to interact with other professionals to grow your business and provide better care to your clients.

You can check the Networking Nutritionists by clicking the link below. If you join using that link, mention NutriAdmin to them to claim a special discount of CAD$30 off your annual membership - locked in for life!

networking nutritionists NutriAdmin partner

The Health Coach Alliance

Recognition, professional standards, & practitioner support.

The Health Coach Alliance™ (HCA) is the largest international professional Health Coach association of its kind. Their members are comprised of Health Coach Alliance Registered Health Coaches™ (HCA-RHC™), Health Coach Alliance Registered Clinical Health Coaches™ (HCA-RCHC™), Health Coach Alliance Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellors™ (HCA-RHNC™) from all over the world.

HCA members can get an exclusive NutriAdmin discount, contact the Health Coach Alliance to learn more!

health coach alliance NutriAdmin partner

NutriAdmin Affiliate Program

You can join our affiliate program to earn commmissions whenever a customer signs up for NutriAdmin using your unique affiliate link.