Nutritional therapists and dietitians deal with patients with wide ranges of goals and conditions. In order to effectively provide advice, nutritionists require detailed client data on dozens of parameters. Managing this vast amount of information over time can easily become a nightmare, especially if dealing with data on paper or using non-specialized software tools. It's a lot of work to keep files up-to-date and accurate. Wouldn't you rather spend your time helping patients achieve their objectives rather than with endless admin tasks if you had the chance?
If you have been trying to find specialized software for nutritionists, it is possible you have just found what you needed. NutriAdmin is a cloud software solution for the nutrition industry that allows nutritionists to conveniently build their own rich database of client profiles. Profiles include all of those specialized data fields that you need and are fully customizable to adapt to your practice. Below is a list with examples of data that you can include in your patients' profiles with just a few clicks (the lists is not exhaustive):
Category | Example fields |
Personal Details | Name, Height, Weight, Age, Gender, Blood group, etc |
Contact Details | Email, Phone, Address, etc |
Lifestyle | Smoking habits, Drinking habits, Caffeine consumption, etc |
Consultation | Symptoms, Goals, Wellbeing targets, etc |
Medical History | Past and current diseases, medical interventions, etc |
Medication | Current medication, supplementation, therapies, etc |
Allergies | Dietary allergies, environmental, medicine, etc |
Typical Diet | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Challenges, Preferences, etc |
Dietary Information | Foods avoided due to religion, Diets followed, etc |
Women Specifics | Pregnancy, Contraception, Breastfeeding, etc |
Functional Medicine Matrix | Antecedents, Mediators, Nutrition, Assimilation, etc |
Medical Tests | Tests conducted, Notes for patient doctor, etc |
Diet Recommendations | Foods to avoid, Foods to eat more of, Nutrients needed, etc |
Lifestyle Recommendations | Lifestyle changes, Naturopathic techniques, Handouts to read, etc |
Follow up | Progress, Targets to meet, Tests to complete, etc |
Current Food Intake | Assessment, Protein intake, Carbs intake, Trans fats, etc |
Extra | If a particular field you need is missing we will add it within a day |
Check out the CRM for nutritionists, where you can configure all the data fields you need to keep track of your clients – or take advantage of NutriAdmin's pre-built forms to use the software straightaway with zero configuration.