personal training client intake form

Personal Training Intake Form

5 mins to read.

Are you a personal trainer or fitness coach looking for a streamlined and effective way to gather essential client information? Do you want to learn how to create your own customized personal training client intake form?

In this article, we will discuss the purpose of a personal training questionnaire, how it can benefit personal trainers, its contents, and how to create one using free and paid tools.

What is a Personal Training Intake Form?

A personal training intake form is a document used by personal trainers to gather important information about their clients before beginning a training program. It typically includes questions about the client’s medical history, fitness goals, exercise preferences, and pre-existing conditions or injuries.

Why is it important in a personal trainer’s business?

This information is important for personal trainers as it helps them tailor their training programs. By gaining a deep understanding of their clients’ backgrounds, fitness levels, and goals, trainers are empowered to create customized fitness plans that are not only effective but also prioritize the safety and well-being of their clients during workouts.

This personalized approach enables trainers to develop programs that are aligned with the individual characteristics and objectives of each client, ultimately leading to more successful and fulfilling fitness journeys.

What is in a Personal Training Client Intake Form?

The content of an intake form depends on what a personal trainer needs to know about their clients. It typically includes personal information such as client information, contact details, as well as fitness and health history. Additionally, it may inquire about fitness goals, current exercise habits, and client availability.

Client Information

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • Occupation
  • Activity Level
  • Anthropometric Measurements

Gathering details like name, gender, and birthdate helps the trainer address the client personally and understand their age and gender-specific fitness needs. Information about the client’s occupation and activity level allows the trainer to tailor the fitness program to fit within the client’s daily routine and energy expenditure.

Anthropometric measurements, such as height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, and other relevant measurements, provide the personal trainer with essential baseline data about the client’s body composition. These measurements help the trainer assess the client’s current physical condition and track changes in body composition over time.

Additionally, they can be used to set realistic and measurable fitness goals, tailor the exercise program to the client’s specific needs, and monitor progress effectively.

Contact Details

  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address

Contact details are important in a personal training intake form for several reasons. Firstly, accurate contact information allows the personal trainer to easily reach out to the client regarding scheduling, and session reminders.

Additionally, contact details help the personal trainer to stay connected with the client outside of training sessions, providing opportunities for ongoing support, motivation, and tracking progress. This can contribute to a more personalized and effective training experience.

Fitness and Health History

  • Prior experience with fitness or sports training
  • Prior experience with a personal trainer
  • Past Injuries
  • Past Surgeries
  • Diet
  • Sleep

Firstly, it provides the trainer with insights into any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries that may impact the client’s ability to engage in certain exercises or activities. Additionally, knowing the client’s current fitness level and exercise habits allows the personal trainer to design a program that is appropriate and challenging for the individual.

It also helps in setting realistic fitness goals and tracking progress over time. Furthermore, awareness of any health conditions is essential for the personal trainer to adapt the training program as needed. This information can also help the PT to avoid recommending any exercises that may pose risks to the client.

Overall, the fitness and health history section provides a foundation for creating personalized and effective training programs that consider the client’s individual needs, limitations, and objectives while prioritizing their safety and well-being.

Fitness Goals and Availability

  • Short-term goals
  • Long-term goals
  • Available days and times for sessions

The section is important for personal trainers to understand their client’s objectives and scheduling constraints. By gathering information about the client’s fitness goals, the trainer can tailor the program to meet these specific objectives.

Additionally, knowing the client’s availability for training sessions allows the trainer to create a schedule that aligns with the client’s lifestyle. This makes it more likely for them to commit to the program.

The examples provided above are just for reference. Feel free to create a form that is either more detailed or more simplified based on your specific needs.

How to create your own intake form

There are several ways to create and allow your clients to fill out your intake form. You can utilize a printed form, use free tools such as Google Forms, or opt for paid personal training software with this feature.

Printed Form

You can create a simple form for your personal training questionnaire in a Word document. Alternatively, you can also make a visually appealing form that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic using graphic design tools.

You can use the example below as a template for a basic intake form made from Canva, a graphic design tool. You can also include additional fields based on the information you need to gather about your client.

Online Form Builders

If you’re looking for a more advanced yet simple way to create your personal training questionnaire, you can use online form builders like Google Forms for free. You can easily share this type of form by sending links via emails, or any other form of communication you use for your clients.

Software for Personal Trainers

Many software programs designed for personal trainers include online questionnaire features. This makes it more convenient and organized. It allows your client data to be stored in one app, eliminating the need for separate tools for each task.

In NutriAdmin, a software for personal trainers, there is a pre-made personal training questionnaire that is customizable. You have the option to add more questions or fields that you require, or delete fields that you do not need.

Below is a sample personal training questionnaire in PDF format from NutriAdmin. Feel free to utilize this template.

You can access NutriAdmin’s default personal training questionnaire through the following link. When you access the questionnaire, you are giving consent to receive marketing communications from us when you share your email address. You are free to opt-out at any time. The data you provide is only for demonstration purposes and will be deleted afterward.

What other form do you need in your personal training business?

Before starting a personal training program, assessing your client’s fitness level is essential. To do this, you can ask them to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q form). This form helps determine if the client has any health issues that may impact their ability to engage in physical activity and allows you to tailor their training program accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions