How to Publish Great Articles as a Nutritionist or Dietitian

How to Publish Great Articles as a Nutritionist or Dietitian

5 mins to read.

Today’s post will share a few practical tips on how to publish content online your clients will love. This includes blog posts, articles, social media, and your own website.

Implementing the advice in this article will help you:

  • Get more patients to sign up for consultations with you
  • Get more engagement in social media
  • Get your articles shared online more often

Furthermore, these are very simple – yet powerful strategies. If you are a nutritionist or dietitian, make sure you are using them in your website, blog, and other online content.

First time doing any marketing? Check out our marketing for nutritionists guide to get started. You may also find our in-depth SEO and content marketing for nutritionists guide useful too. After all, you have to get your content ranking in search engines for maximum effect!

The above being said, let’s jump in!

1. Focus on desired results

When writing anything you want potential clients to see – like your website or an article – emphasise what the reader will get from you.

For example, if you are an specialist on weight loss, put emphasis on your target client’s desired result: being fit.

Instead of: “I can help you if you are overweight”; you could say: “I can help you become fit”. When people visualise desired results, they are much more motivated.

Your past clients’ success stories are a great way to convey your message. These should focus on the advantages of being fit, rather than the miseries of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Decades of analysis on sales across business of all sorts point out this fact:

People don’t want your services. What they really want are the results they will attain after they sign in for your services.

2. Bypass your clients’ information filter

New content is released in the internet every day at a vertiginous pace. With so much information available, it’s hard to write something that people will actually read and share.

If you check your social media for example, you can probably see how many articles, websites, and comments are published every minute. It’s impossible to read them all, so you must be selective.

Let me ask you a question. If you scroll down your news feed on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn; what kind of content makes you actually stop scrolling and read?

Most people scroll through content in the internet and stop when they see something they like. Our brains are – in most cases – programmed to automatically ignore the following:

  • People we don’t know talking about themselves
  • Irrelevant content outside our interests
  • Technical or complicated data that we don’t understand
  • Advertisements about products we are not looking for

One of the most common mistakes professionals make on the internet – including nutritionists and dietitians – is to talk too much about themselves in their website and social media.

You need to mention you are qualified and have experience. However, most people will not really care about the details. Their main concern is wheter they can improve their health with you or not.

If you talk too much about yourself, or go into complex technical details, many people will automatically ignore your content. Even if they could benefit from it.

Let me give you an example. We provide practice management software for nutritionists via NutriAdmin. The first thing we say in the page is: cut down your work by half.

When someone visits our website, they read about what they can get out of it. The modern busy internet user will not waste time exploring a new site unless they feel they can gain something from it.

At NutriAdmin, we could babble about how advanced our technology is, or how much experience we have. However, it’s likely that most people wouldn’t read past the first sentence if we did.

Any time you write something you want your clients and audience to read, think first. Will this pass my readers’ automatic ignore filter?

3. Publish for your clients, not for other nutritionists

If you are a nutrition consultant, it’s very likely you know other nutritionists. These can be colleagues from university, professional contacts, people you met at a seminar, etc.

Furthermore, it’s very easy to make friends and socialise (offline or online) with others within the same profession as yours. If you spent 3+ years at university, you may have many friends in nutrition.

Mingling with other nutritionists has many benefits for your work: recommending books and tools, discussing new nutrition products in the market, etc.

However, a major pitfall of interacting with other professionals is writing with them in mind. You should avoid this at all costs.

When you write your website, or an article in your blog, you may be used to writing something very technical and complex. This is the kind of work that would get you good grades at university, and that your colleagues in the sector would like.

However, if your intention is to publish content to attract clients, you must put them first in your writing. Putting your audience first means ensuring:

  • Your articles can be understood without advanced knowledge of the field
  • The content is interesting for your clients (i.e. losing weight is interesting for clients. The biochemistry of our bodies not so much – even if this knowledge could lead to weight loss)
  • Giving your audience what they want to read, even if it means simplifying a complex topic you are passionate about.

A little anecdote to illustrate the point. Back when I was a Physics student, I published two Facebook posts the same day:

  • A technical article I wrote about Einstein’s relativity theory.
  • A picture of me rowing in a boat.

The technical article (hours of work) got very few people engaged – all of them physicists. The boat picture (20 seconds of work) got 30 times more engagement. Is this a surprise to you?

Almost no one wants to read about advanced Physics unless they are in the field. Similarly, most people – including your clients – won’t be interested in technical nutrition reports.

Keep your content focused towards your audience. Publishing a list of healthy breakfast options in 15 minutes will likely bring you more customers than days of work to produce a technical article.

4. Don’t copy others

If you are managing a nutrition practice, or work as a dietitian at a clinic, you may be wondering, where do I get the time to write articles, or publish content in social media?

When time is tight, it becomes very tempting to copy what other nutritionists are doing. Following a similar structure in your website, talking about similar topics, etc. This is true in many professions.

However, you must be very careful when imitating what others are doing. That’s because, it’s possible that everybody is doing it wrong. Or at least, that most people are not doing it the optimal way.

What I mean with this is that thinking: most people do it like this so it must be right it’s a logical fallacy. You need evidence that a certain way of doing things works to know that it’s a good option.

Say you want to write a new article. You could just sort-of-copy the style or topic of another article you saw. However, if it’s not consistent with points 1, 2, & 3 mentioned above, it’s likely it won’t work well.

When choosing the topic, style, format, etc. Don’t just copy others. Think first whether your clients will engage with your article. Otherwise, you may waste time writing something that nobody reads.

If you were to copy someone, try to copy the most successful figures you admire in the nutrition industry. If they are so successful, they must be doing something right, right?


Thinking about your clients first, and publishing the kind of content that they want to read and share, will improve your nutrition business, bring you more clients, and success.

The strategies outlined in this article are quite simple, and likely to work well. However, you must not simply take them as rigid laws of marketing and follow them blindly.

The main point is to think, and to try to put yourself in the shoes of your clients. Maybe some different style than my suggestions will work best for you.

I hope you enjoyed reading, for another helpful article check out the productivity machine guide, full of habits you can adopt to be more productive.

Have a great day!