Jessica Roy - Registered Dietitian

Utilizing NutriAdmin as a Canadian Dietitian

3 mins to read.

“I wish I had found NutriAdmin sooner”

Passion is what moves most of the professionals we have encountered in NutriAdmin’s journey so far, but there are also stories like this one in which personal experiences with food and health have defined their motivations to become dietitians and nutritionists. Jessica Roy is based in Canada, she has been working as a registered dietitian for 2 years and using NutriAdmin for one. She specializes in weight management and sports nutrition, mainly through 1-on-1 counseling sessions, and what she values most of NutriAdmin is how much time she can save in her daily professional routines.

How did you become a dietitian?

I played field hockey in my first degree for my university but really struggled to manage my weight. After studying my first degree in biology and chemistry I reflected on my life and what I valued. When I was young, I struggled with my weight, and through improved nutrition and exercise – I started to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. I truly value what self-care and good nutrition can do for people and how it can decrease many health problems in life. I studied applied human nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax in my second degree where I then pursued my dietetic internship and became a registered dietitian.

What areas of nutrition do you specialize in – what kinds of services do you provide?

I specialize in weight management and sports nutrition. I offer 1-on-1 counseling sessions to educate clients on nutrition specific to their needs as well as group presentations to educate people on a broader spectrum of healthy eating (or more specific talks such as supplementation) based on what they are eager to learn on. I also create client-tailored nutrition plans that also incorporate supplementation (if we deem it appropriate).

How does the typical workflow look like for you with your clients?

When a client emails me with questions regarding my services, I offer a free 30-minute discovery session so that they have an opportunity to learn more about what dietitians do and how nutrition services can improve their overall health. From here, I ask a series of questions about their health, lifestyle, goals, past success, barriers, and proceed to develop a plan for them that is individualized.

Do you find NutriAdmin suitable for the Canadian market?

Yes except that I think the DRIs should have the Canadian option (right now it is American based).

What kind of tasks do you do in NutriAdmin and how does NutriAdmin save you time?

Chart notes, make meal plans, develop and manage recipes/meal presets. It helps me save time because I can establish someone’s deficiencies through meal planning and analysis very quickly. When the meal plan is exported, having the shopping list, recipes, and plan all in one package looks professional and organized and saves me time from doing it myself. I also like that I can create my own templates for questionnaires to send or to have in front of me when I am counseling a client.

What feature of NutriAdmin you use the most, and how is it helpful?

I use the meal planning software the most. Saves me a lot of time being able to build meal plans customized to client’s needs and goals and I can also see the micronutrient profile in case of any deficiencies in their food intake previous to counseling (initial assessments).

What NutriAdmin’s tool helps you manage a large number of clients over time?

Chart noting.

I send questionnaires before I meet with them and have them read over and sign a liability /consent form prior to engaging in counseling.

How would you describe the technical support received in the past any time you’ve had an issue with the software?

Very fast, and has always resolved any issues I have had, Diego is amazing!

If you were to recommend NutriAdmin to a colleague, what would you tell them?

I would tell them that time is money and that the time I save by using this software allows me to use my time in other areas in my practice such as continuing education opportunities!

What would you say are the advantages of creating meal plans using NutriAdmin?

Being able to create and modify recipes, track macronutrients, but more importantly – micronutrients! The database is quite large so I can find most food products. The way that the plan is generated with the days, recipes, and shopping list automated looks professional and organized without having to generate it myself.
I wish I had found NutriAdmin sooner. I can’t wait to see the ongoing updates that continue to happen. Very pleased with this company so far!

If you want to learn more about Jessica Roy’s work, you can find her online by searching for her name + nutrition.

  • Have you checked out NutriAdmin’s feature to manage client records? Do it here.
  • Looking for a way to easily create complete meal plans? Check out this feature.