how to manage a growing nutrition business

How to manage a growing nutrition business without being overwhelmed with admin

2 mins to read.

Managing a growing nutrition business can become an overwhelming task if you don’t have the correct tools at your disposal. NutriAdmin is a nutritionist management software that combines administrative simplification with features specifically designed for nutritionists. NutriAdmin allows you to become a more efficient and focused professional.

Easy to use, clean and complete

NutriAdmin’s goal, since its inception, has always been to help nutrition professionals as much as possible, while keeping it simple and efficient.

Having many different features does not need to equal a clogged up screen or a complex learning curve. Using a complete system can cover every phase of your relationship with your clients in a way that saves you time and effort, while maximizing your resources.

Nutritionists can start using NutriAdmin since the very first contact with their clients – letting them book an appointment through an online system that shows personalized schedules, as well as allowing them to fill in questionnaires that will go directly to their client reports and will help you optimize your time and work.

When managing appointments, NutriAdmin also has a reminder feature that will drastically reduce hassle, as well as missed appointments from your clients.
From that initial appointment, throughout the whole treatment -including some special features for nutritionists that we will cover in the next paragraph.

Once the consultation with your client is over, the system will also allow you to bill them and receive/manage payments, let them schedule their next appointment, or even manage communication and education through PDF downloads they can take home or receive via email. Leave paperwork and repetitive tasks behind you with NutriAdmin.

Covering nutritionists’ special needs

NutriAdmin does more than just admin. Nutritionists will find their special needs covered in the system mainly through its meal planning and recipe handling features.

With NutriAdmin’s meal planning feature, one of the most time-consuming tasks for nutritionists can become a matter of 60 seconds. Choose between pre-generated or fully customizable meal plans to reduce your creation process without sacrificing information, content, or professionalism.

Complementing meal plans with our recipes functionality, you will have at hand everything you need to help your clients’ health by giving them all the information they require – even shopping lists and cooking instructions.

The flexibility and depth of the databases we work with allow virtually any kind of nutrition plan – taking into account different diets and client specifications and also including the possibility of adding exercise, anthropometric data, and analysis.

Don’t forget to check all these features and much more here.