Heather Duquette-Wolf HMD Nutrition

Using NutriAdmin as a US Dietitian

3 mins to read.

“I feel so much organized and able to find the information very quickly”

Until now, the histories we have collected were of relatively new professionals that have incorporated NutriAdmin early on in their professional careers. Heather Duquette-Wolf, however, has been a dietitian in Arizona since 1999 after getting her Bachelors of Food Science and Nutrition in New York. She specializes in traditional metabolic therapies such as weight loss, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune issues… and she’s also a certified specialist in sports nutrition (CSSD). After almost two decades as a professional, she has been using our nutrition software for dietitians for a little over a year and loving it.

What are the advantages of using a system like NutriAdmin versus relying on paper records?

Oh, it’s really nice. I think my favorite part is that I’m able to email each client to send out the assessment form and have them email it back and having it go right into the system. It’s very convenient from a private system point of view not having to print an assessment form where I would have to reenter it. I really do enjoy the ability to have that nice, private assessment form directly into their file. And it’s just very nice to have one place where I can have everything organized.

How do you use NutriAdmin before a consultation with a client? What kind of tasks do you carry out in the system prior to a meeting?

Before they come in I fully review the assessment form so I can make sure that I know what they are coming in for and I can mentally prepare and make sure I have all the handouts and materials for their particular reason to see me. Every once in a while I might get something that’s kind of new to me –a new disease, a new condition- so it allows me the time to review all the information I might need to learn prior to that appointment, so that’s why I really do like having the assessment form and using the software program before the patient actually gets to my office.

How do you use NutriAdmin during and after a consultation with a client?

Well, during I have their chart open and I’ll keep it open so I can talk a little bit more about supplements, prescriptions and, most importantly, I’m looking at their one-week food journal that they have filled out for me so I can use that as a reference point. And then once they leave I go back in and put in all of my notes. I spend an hour from my initial consults educating people, but after they leave is when I go back in and then I put in my updated notes.

Do you feel organized as your client base increases? How do you find specific information about a client in NutriAdmin before a meeting?

Yeah, there’s no doubt. It’s a wonderful resource to have organized all of my clients because I used to have pen and paper files, and papers get lost and it was very sloppy the way it was done before, so I feel so much organized and able to find information very quickly by looking the patient up by their name compared to my old filing system.

Do you use all of the features available in NutriAdmin? Or do you feel like a subset of the functionality is enough for your work?

I don’t use all the features. For example, I don’t collect payments or do scheduling through there. I have many different doctors who refer to me so I just find it easier to do my own scheduling on the side, but I do use the assessment form, the food journal… that type of information. It’s nice to have options, I just don’t need them all.

Have you had to contact technical support at NutriAdmin much? How was the service received whenever you had a technical issue or question?

I did one time. I’m very impressed by the quick response that I would get when I would have an issue, especially considering our time difference. I’ve been very happy with the quick responses from when I had an issue.

Where does NutriAdmin save you the most time in your daily work?

I would definitely say that assessment forms have been very helpful because prior to that I would email them an assessment form, print it off and I’d have to spend part of the initial consult reviewing it with them, it took up to 10-15 minutes of that initial appointment, where now, when they come in, I’m completely ready and I get to spend that full hour with each patient.

Did you find it easy to customize the client records, questionnaires, private notes, etc to suit your requirements for client consultations?

Oh yeah. When I first set it up I definitely tweaked the assessment form and added a few things to it and I thought it was very simple, yes.

Learn more about Heather’s work at hmdnutrition.com

  • Want to learn more about what kind of questionnaires can you create with NutriAdmin? Click here.
  • Do you want to know how to manage your client records with NutriAdmin? Click here.