#5 Holistic approach to nutrition (feat. Gennaro Capuano) - The Nutritionist Podcast

#5 Holistic approach to nutrition (feat. Gennaro Capuano)

< 1 min to read.

This is episode 5 of The Nutritionist Podcast. The podcast made for nutritionists, where we interview experts and bring you topics of interest ranging from nutrition research, to business skills, case studies, stories, and more.

You can find out more about this episode and how to listen below.

Episode description

🍑🍐🍏🍎🥭🍍 In this episode we introduce Gennaro, a nutritionist that believes his job is to help speed up and improve other medical professionals’ work. So he may say his job is about preventing many chronic diseases. Of course being on a diet is not just about having the best tailor made nutritional plan, but even about to know how to manage food related emotions, having self-esteem, being always very motivated and trust the nutritionist. He breaks down the holistic approach and gives us a sneak peek into his world as an active #nutritionist.

To learn more about Gennaro, please check out the following link to his website: 👇👇

Website: www.seednfeed.co.uk

Watch on Youtube

You can watch this episode on Youtube in the link below. Make sure to subscribe to the NutriAdmin channel on Youtube to be notified when new episodes are published.

#5 Holistic approach to nutrition (feat. Gennaro Capuano) – The Nutritionist Podcast