#12 Seo and Content Strategy for Nutritionists and Health Brands (feat. Ana Reisdorf)

#12 Seo and Content Strategy for Nutritionists and Health Brands (feat. Ana Reisdorf

2 mins to read.

This is episode 12 of The Nutritionist Podcast. The podcast made for nutritionists, where we interview experts and bring you topics of interest ranging from nutrition research, to business skills, case studies, stories, and more.

You can find out more about this episode and how to listen below.

You can also check out our marketing for nutritionists in-depth guide. We also have an in-depth SEO and content marketing for nutritionists guide based on this podcast episode!

Episode description

Welcome to the nutritionist podcast.

This is Diego from NutriAdmin. I am recording from London and I will be your host for today.

In today’s episode, we have a guest that knows the worlds of both nutrition and marketing: Ana Reisdorf. Ana is on a mission to help wellness brands rank on the first page of Google with evidence-based marketing strategies and content created by experts.

Ana specialises in content strategy and creation. She is the founder of Reisdorf Writing Service, a Health and Nutrition Marketing Agency she has been running for over 6 years. Ana also holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from Central Michigan University.

Listen in to learn:

  • The importance for nutrition and wellness brands to do marketing
  • Why content marketing is such a key piece of the strategy for a wellness brand
  • The kind of content that Ana has seen working well over the years for health brands
  • How to promote your business with SEO online without spending a fortune
  • What you can expect when working on your content strategy with someone like Ana
  • Top advice for a nutritionist or wellness brand that has never done any marketing before
  • How to rank on the top of Google for your niche keywords
  • And more!

This episode is sponsored by NutriAdmin – the all-in-one software for nutritionists and dietitians. Sign up for a 14-day trial today at nutriadmin.com and get a 50% off discount for 2 months with promo code PODCAST50.

You can learn more about Ana in the following social media channels:

Facebook group, RDs who write:


Linkedin personal:


Linkedin Business:


Instagram: Nutrition_writers:


Watch on Youtube

You can watch this episode on Youtube in the link below. Make sure to subscribe to the NutriAdmin channel on Youtube to be notified when new episodes are published.

#12 Seo and Content Strategy for Nutritionists and Health Brands (feat. Ana Reisdorf)