How to Setup a Free Mailchimp Campaign for Nutritionists and Dietitians

How to Setup a Free Mailchimp Campaign for Nutritionists and Dietitians

6 mins to read.

This is a practical, step-by-step guide on how to setup a free Mailchimp campaign if you are a nutritionist, dietitian, or wellness coach. If you are not leveraging email marketing yet, here is your chance to try it out!

If you are new to marketing, it may be worth it to check our marketing for nutritionists introduction first. The strategies in this article are part of the whole marketing process.

Mailchimp is a software program that allows you to email many people at once. Emails look professional and the process is convenient, reliable, and easy to follow.

You may want to email your clients about articles, recipes, seminars, workshops, or special events. Many kinds of email marketing strategies are possible with Mailchimp.

After 15 minutes of following this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Import your list of contacts to Mailchimp
  • Create a beautiful email with content you want to share
  • Send your email to thousands of people with one click

Time is money, let’s get started!

Mailchimp for Nutritionists and Dietitians

Step 1: Go to and click on Sign Up Free.
Mailchimp landing page
Step 2: Enter your email, username, and password. Click on Get Started! once you are ready.
Creating a Mailchimp account
Take into account that Mailchimp is quite picky with passwords for security reasons. Check the requirements for your password below.
Mailchimp password requirements

Step 3: Mailchimp will instruct you to check your inbox for a confirmation email.
Checking email

Step 4: You will find an email similar to the one blow. Click the blue Activate account button.
Activating Mailchimp account

Step 5: I hope you are a human! This step requires you to “confirm your humanity”. Just solve the reCAPTCHA and you are ready to go!
solving captcha Mailchimp

Step 6: Fill in your name
Name in Mailchimp

Step 7: Enter the name of your business/nutrition practice plus your website. Take into account that your clients will see this information when you send them emails via Mailchimp.
company and website in Mailchimp
If you don’t have a website yet, check out how to build a free website for nutritionists and dietitians.

Step 8: Add your address. This is important, because it will make your email campaigns comply with international anti-spam laws. In other words, it will maximise the chances of emails reaching your recipients.
Mailchimp adding address

Step 9: Click on Yes if you sell services online, such as seminars, or consultations. Otherwise click no.
online selling Mailchimp

Step 10: Connect with social media to maximise your reach!
Social Media Mailchimp

Step 11: Optionally opt-in for Mailchimp tutorials.
Mailchimp tutorials

Importing your list of contacts to Mailchimp

You can create different lists for different kinds of recipients. E.g. prospective customers, current clients, social media followers, etc. Once you have a list, you can email everyone listed with a few clicks.

Let’s create your first email list in Mailchimp!

Step 1: Click on create a list
Creating a Mailchimp list

Step 2: Click on the create list button.
New list

Step 3: Enter your list details. Mailchimp will provide you with short explanations of what each field means.
Email list details

Step 4: Once your list is created, you will have to import some contacts. You can do this one-by-one, but it’s much better to import them from an Excel spreadsheet or similar. Click on import subscribers to proceed.
Importing subscribers

Step 5: Choose where do you want to import your subscribers from, and follow the steps in the screen.
importing to mailchimp

Step 6: Take your time to collect all the email addresses of your contacts from the different services you use. Once you’ve created your list the way you want it, you are ready to start your first marketing campaign!

Creating a marketing campaign

Step 1: Click on campaigns, then on Create Campaign.
Creating a campaign

Step 2: Choose your campaign type, I recommend starting with a regular campaign.
Choosing campaign type

Step 3: Choose the list to send your email to. This will be the list you created a few minutes ago. Then click on Next on the bottom right of the screen.
Choosing list for email campaign

Step 4: Fill in campaign details, the subject of your email, and other data. Mailchimp provides explanations for what every field means in case you are not sure about the meaning of something. Click Next when you are ready.
campaign info

Step 5: Choose a template for the email you are about to send to your subscribers. There are many options to choose from. Alternatively, click on Next if you want to create your email from scratch.
choosing a template for my email campaign

Step 6: Compose your email. You can include text, images, and all kinds of fancy design elements. It’s usually a good idea to keep the content short and simple, and to add a call to action.
composing an email in mailchimp

Step 7: Make sure you click on Preview and Test to see exactly what your subscribers will receive in their inboxes. You want to make sure that your content is sent as you intended it to. When your email is ready, click on Next on the bottom right of the screen.
preview and test email

Step 8: Finally, review that everything is correct with your campaign, and click on Send to email your entire subscriber list.
reviewing email campaign

You are done! The first campaign always takes more time, but from now onwards you will be able to re-use email templates and contact lists. This will enable to contact thousands of people with a few clicks.


Mailchimp is an invaluable tool for anyone with an online presence, including nutritionists and dietitians.

A few ideas for email campaigns for nutritionists and dietitians are:

  • Sharing your blog posts (like we do here with NutriAdmin). Topics can range from dieting, recipes, nutrition, or anything else your audience may find interesting
  • Making your contacts aware of upcoming seminars or workshops you are hosting.
  • Offering special promotions for products or services, like vitamin supplements, protein powder, or herbal products. Do this only if your contacts have given you permission.

Now you have the tools at your disposal to leverage email marketing to the maximum with Mailchimp. Wish you success and fun with your campaigns!

Hope you enjoyed reading. Please consider subscribing to the NutriAdmin blog in the yellow box below if you want to receive an article a week in your inbox (that we will send you, of course, by using Mailchimp).

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!