#3 All about super foods (feat. Sara Strout)

#3 All about super foods (feat. Sara Strout)

< 1 min to read.

This is episode 3 of The Nutritionist Podcast. The podcast made for nutritionists, where we interview experts and bring you topics of interest ranging from nutrition research, to business skills, case studies, stories, and more.

You can find out more about this episode and how to listen below.

Episode description

Episode 3, introduces our first external guest, Sara Strout. Sara is a registered dietitian and public health nutritionist. She completed her Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics at the university of Delaware in the United States and a Master of science in Nutrition and Global Health at LSHTM. Before working at LSHTM, she worked with the U.S. Peace Corps, a federally funded independent agency, as a Clinic and Health Team Capacity Building Specialist in Botswana.

Episode 3- Ismail and Sara delve into Super-Foods and what they offer in relation to healthy eating , environment as well as the food industry. Is there any truth to the idea of a food being “super”?

Watch on Youtube

You can watch this episode on Youtube in the link below. Make sure to subscribe to the NutriAdmin channel on Youtube to be notified when new episodes are published.

#3 All about super foods (feat. Sara Strout) – The Nutritionist Podcast