#2 Grading the evidence in nutrition research

#2 Grading the evidence in nutrition research

< 1 min to read.

This is episode 2 of The Nutritionist Podcast. The podcast made for nutritionists, where we interview experts and bring you topics of interest ranging from nutrition research, to business skills, case studies, stories, and more.

You can find out more about this episode and how to listen below.

Episode description

Within this episode Diego and Ismail begin to discuss and anatomize the quality of science we are often presented with in this age of information. They delve into a blog post they worked on very recently, which covers the hierarchy of evidence. Their conversation takes us down the rabbit hole of modern science and offers a skeptics perspective in determining the strength of evidence in research.

Watch on Youtube

You can watch this episode on Youtube in the link below. Make sure to subscribe to the NutriAdmin channel on Youtube to be notified when new episodes are published.

#2 Grading the evidence in nutrition research – The Nutritionist Podcast