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productivity machine pomodoro technique

Daily habits to become a productivity machine

My real-life biohacking guide to doubling productivity, living longer, and enjoying top health and happiness My name is Diego. I have been running my startup since 2016. I’ve also graduated from Cambridge University at the top of my class. I am 30, and I have found a set of…

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personal trainer software

Personal trainer software that makes creating meal plans effortless

Are your clients eating how they should outside of the gym? Isn’t it frustrating when a client just finished a killer workout at the gym, only to destroy all this progress at McDonald’s 30 minutes later? As a personal trainer, you are accountable for the results of your clients. Your…

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how to manage a growing nutrition business

How to manage a growing nutrition business without being overwhelmed with admin

Managing a growing nutrition business can become an overwhelming task if you don’t have the correct tools at your disposal. NutriAdmin is a nutritionist management software that combines administrative simplification with features specifically designed for nutritionists. NutriAdmin allows you to become a more efficient and focused professional. Easy to use,…

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nutriadmin for nutritionists and dietitians

NutriAdmin for nutritionists and dietitians

Are you wasting hours of work every day in your nutrition practice? Has any of the following ever happened to you? A client didn’t show up for an appointment Your client records got so messy it was impossible to find anything It took you several hours to create a meal…

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streamlining your workflow as a nutrition consultant

How to streamline your workflow as a nutrition consultant

Among the different specialties that exist in the field of nutrition are nutrition consultants. These professionals “are versed in how the building blocks of different foods affect the physiology and wellbeing of an individual” (definition from Through eating plans, they help “promote healthy metabolism, good immune response and a…

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creating fitness meal plans faster

How to save time creating meal plans

Creating professional meal plans in as little time as possible is a great advantage and an essential productivity tool for those that work in the fitness industry. Balancing seeing your clients and managing their appointments, results and meal programs don’t need to be overwhelming or more time-consuming than necessary if…

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health coach software

Health coach software

Professionals such as nutritionists and dietitians, with their very specific differences, requirements and necessities for their jobs, have been frequently addressed in this blog, something obvious given the fact that NutriAdmin is a software created especially for them. There are, however, other types of health professionals such as health coaches…

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Danelle Stevens

Using NutriAdmin in New Zealand as a Nutritionist

“Having all my recipes in one place and being able to draw them into meal plans saves me a lot of time” Danelle Stevens’ work as a Registered Nutritionist in New Zealand has found in NutriAdmin a useful and adaptable tool to make her job easier and safer, both for…

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The secret weapon of nutrition professionals to be maximally productive

The secret weapon of nutrition professionals to be maximally productive

Health professionals such as nutritionists and dietitians, despite having different roles in their own professional fields, have jobs that heavily rely on the data their clients and patients provide. Managing that data is crucial for any professional, even more so when it is the most important information to base a…

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